The methods I use in my work

The beginning and source of everything was Chinese Medicine, which opened new perspectives for me to see the World, Nature, Energy and our body at the center of the Universe.

Later I started to be interested in Psychobiology, EFT and Lomi Lomi nui massage, not knowing yet how these different methods would come together. Today I know that they are puzzles that allow to look at a human in a holistic way.


Chinese Medicine

This holistic medicine allowed me to get to know the human body as a wonderful and indispensable part of the Universe. We are connected to Nature and our body, our organs, tissues, everything harmonizes with the seasons, with the cycle of the moon, with the times of the day. Nature invented it perfectly and searching for unity in it, discovering harmony is a journey of life...



The method uses meridian points through which energy moves in the human body. I am continually impressed by the simplicity of this method, which can release so much from our bodies and improve our emotional and mental state.



Psychobiology has its roots in Chinese Medicine, hence it is so close to me. Our emotions, thoughts, beliefs, all this has an impact on our body, on our various organs and systems inside of us.  This is an amazing knowledge and observation that can lead us to the cause, the source of our illness and ailments. Here opens the door to our consciousness and subconsciousness... it is worth looking there to be closer to yourself.


Lomi Lomi nui Massage

This is a Hawaiian massage originally practiced in a temple by Kahuna shamans. It was a purification and initiation ceremony. For me it is a healing touch full of attentiveness, respect, love... after the massage you feel bliss, you come back to your body, the energy puts everything in place, your heart wants to be present and feel... it helps to restore the balance between body, mind and spirit.


Family constellation by Bert Hellinger

For me it's not a method, it's a knowledge that liberates a lot.

At first I was looking in it for concrete events, justifications... but I saw that the most important thing is to feel your place in the Family and to accept life with great gratitude. The family constellations show what is needed for love to flow between parents and children, woman and man, because then we have life, energy flows… They also allow us to increase body awareness, feel blockages and experience insights and understanding.

Yes, it is a journey, but finding the Self is worth it.

"Accepting reality as it is, is true spirituality."

Bert Hellinger


I invite you to take this journey together!